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Long Term Drug Rehab

Find long-term facilities that can help you overcome your addiction!
Long term drug rehab is designed to meet the needs of those addicts who have been chronic or long term abusers and require a more intensive treatment program. These addicts may have been unsuccessful in maintaining sobriety after attending outpatient treatment programs or they have had episodes of relapses after attending a short term treatment program. The long term drug rehab usually has the duration of 3 months to a year or more. This rehabilitation program can be provided in residential, clinical, or hospital setting and will usually entail inpatient residential services that provide 24 hour monitoring to enforce the drug free lifestyle. The programs provide necessary treatment from detox to after care and treatment programs are customized to meet the needs of the individual. Access is provided to medical professionals and addiction specialists who can support the addict’s needs physically, psychologically and emotionally. Considerations of addiction severity, duration, co-occurring addictions, and other issues can be addressed and revised accordingly for the best treatment plan with the greatest chance of recovery for these individuals. Continued care promotes health as the addict has time to adjust to sobriety while learning and developing life skills intended to benefit them upon returning to society.
Call800-256-3490and get help today! Who Answers?Drug Addiction
Drug addiction doesn’t always involve a physical drug dependency. Compulsive use of a drug, regardless of the adverse effects, will constitute an addiction, more often than not, drug addiction is accompanied by a dependency. Drug addictions can be intense with severity varying by type of drug abused, amounts, methods, and durations of the abuse. They can be complicated in severe cases, masking underlying health issues, or when there are co-occurring addictions involved. Whether physical or psychological, a viscous cycle emerges when the addict can no longer function without the drug and the effects of using it are detrimental. The hope of an addict is elusive until the dependency withdrawals are alleviated and a clear focus can be maintained towards the treatment of the addiction. Recovery is all inclusive of the body, mind and spirit, with drug addiction robbing millions of their happiness daily.
Treatment of withdrawal symptoms may require medications to stabilize the addict by reducing or alleviating symptoms, especially during the detox process. Medical professionals can assess each case and administer medications such as methadone for heroin addictions, naltrexone for opioid addictions, or acamprosate for alcohol addictions. Other medications may be necessary to restore cognitive skills when the abuse has led to psychological impairments such as psychosis, hallucinations, or other underlying issues such as adverse health or behavioral impairments. Medications should only be administered with a specific purpose for the well being of the individual and to ensure a more successful recovery process.
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Treatment OptionsTypes of Treatment
While treatment options will vary according to the facility, most long term drug rehabs will combine medical treatment with behavioral therapies to promote the overall well being of the individual physically, mentally and emotionally. Treatments for physical well being may be access to exercise areas and equipment or medical interventions and medications to treat any physical issues, illnesses, or impairments. Psychological treatment therapies often include individual and group counseling sessions where the addict can express their concerns, relate experiences, and react with others who may be experiencing the same addiction problems. Behavioral therapies will help the addict to refocus their mind regarding the negative aspects associated with drug abuse. It is often these negative attitudes that lead to other harmful behaviors such as aggression, anger or continuing use of drugs. By altering the way an addict perceives various circumstances in life, the potential prognosis for continued abstinence becomes more positive.
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800-256-3490 Who Answers?Behavioral Therapy
Therapy programs are intended to restore positive behaviors in individuals who have suffered the negative effects of drug addiction. Long term drug rehabs offer programs such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) geared toward restructuring thought patterns for the most positive outcomes. The basic idea of CBT is that our thoughts control our emotions and behaviors. By restructuring the negative thoughts, that commonly plague the addict, to positive thoughts, stress factors and external issues can be viewed with clear focus and reactions can be managed accordingly. Other behavioral therapies may include the Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT) geared toward treatment of adolescents who may be prone to substance abuse, delinquency or other behavioral problems. Therapists work with the adolescent, parents, family and others to create positive behavioral changes. Motivational incentives may be rewards for positive behaviors, progress, or achievements resulting in continued behavior modifications. The therapies are designed to develop tools and skills necessary to maintain abstinence permanently while functioning in normal society.