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Bath Salts Treatment Centers

Bath salts addiction

Overcome your addiction to bath salts today!

An addiction to bath salts can be extremely devastating to your body and mind. While using this drug, you may experience a wide range of effects, some quite similar to the effects produced by cocaine use. However, little is known about the true dangers of these drugs, as they are new to the market and many are created by street chemists every day. The withdrawal symptoms of bath salts have been compared to those experienced with amphetamines. Because of these dangerous withdrawal symptoms, most people need help to quit, and seek out a bath salt treatment center in order to get clean. Bath salt treatment can help you regain your life after addiction.

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What are Bath Salts?

Bath salts are a synthetic powder sold in stores, as well as online, and are marketed as products that you add to your bath water, turning it into a mineral bath. But, these products are not as innocent as they sound; every brand of these so-called bath salts contain one or more chemicals that are similar to amphetamines, like mephedrone, methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) and pyrovalerone, just to name a few. In fact, the effects of bath salts have been compared to both cocaine and methamphetamines, and are typically considered to present some of the attributes of both; a high similar to cocaine that lasts longer like that of methamphetamines. Bath salts are typically taken orally, by inhalation, or intravenously.

Leading Causes of Bath Salts Addiction

Because bath salts have only recently emerged, we do not fully understand what leads to a bath salts addiction. The chance of addiction is very high and intense cravings for the drug have been reported. In fact, the cravings for bath salts mimic the cravings felt by methamphetamine users. We also know that this designer drug is very dangerous and it is the cause of a growing number of ER visits each year. The chance of overdosing on bath salts is much higher than with most other drugs, because of the fact that there are many forms available, all of which are made differently, and from different chemicals.

Why Quit Bath Salts?

A bath salts addiction is a serious problem that can affect the rest of your life. At this time, we do not even know what all of the short and long term effects on the body are, because it has not been able to be studied over the long term yet. What we do know is that these drugs can cause a myriad of physical and psychological symptoms, including delusions and hallucinations, extreme agitation and paranoia, chest pains and heart attacks, as well as an increased blood pressure and heart rate. So, if you or someone you know has a bath salts addiction, get help today. You can get the help you need to live life again.

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Bath Salts Withdrawal Symptoms

An addiction to bath salts can be a very scary thing to go through. Withdrawals from bath salts can vary, depending on the main chemical in the bath salts used, but are for the most part similar. The most prevalent symptom of withdrawal that is always present is an intense desire to use again. Withdrawals from bath salts have been said to be similar to the withdrawals experienced by amphetamine users. The most common symptoms of bath salts withdrawals include paranoia, having no desire to eat, sleeplessness, restlessness, high blood pressure, psychosis, difficulty breathing, and chest pain. If you or someone you love experiences any of these withdrawal symptoms, please seek medical attention immediately, it may just save your life.

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Treatment for Bath Salts Addiction

Because bath salt addiction is so unpredictable, it is recommended that you seek treatment to quit no matter how long you have been on them. This is because it can be life threatening to try to quit by yourself, as chest pains and heart attacks are common symptoms of withdrawal. But, there are bath salts treatment centers that can help. These centers specialize in bath salts addiction, helping you to safely detox from the drug, and can provide you with the psychological treatment needed for long lasting sobriety. Bath salts treatment can help you to overcome your addiction and lead a normal life, after addiction.

Bath Salts Treatment Centers

One of the latest terms for a set of recreational designer drugs is bath salts. These drugs are all made from the synthetic cathinones. Cathinones are a stimulant found in a plant called khat. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, bath salts is just a clever way to market these drugs and they have no relation to bath products. The term bath salts is just a way to avoid detection.

Although bath salts withdrawal cannot kill you, it is similar to opiate withdrawal in that the severity is so intense it makes it all but impossible to quit. The dangers of withdrawal are both psychological and secondary. The risks brought on by some of the symptoms are what is dangerous about the drug.

Unfortunately, these drugs are all highly addictive. Some have even said that they are more addictive than methamphetamine. Those that use them and try to stop quickly find out that there are consequences to using them. Fortunately, there are a number of treatment programs available for this addiction.

Types of Bath Salts Treatment Centers

There are two basic types of bath salts treatment centers. You can go to either inpatient treatment or outpatient treatment.

  • Inpatient bath salts treatment – you are in a residential facility that is staffed 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Your treatment is intensive and focused on making sure you do not relapse. You are also away from your triggers.
  • Outpatient bath salts treatment – you go to a treatment facility either daily, weekly, or monthly and staff treats you without you living in a facility. You are still in the environment that caused you to use but you can still go to work or school.

Many facilities offer these two types of treatment for bath salts addiction. Some treatment centers also combine the two for a more effective treatment.

Do I Need Residential Bath Salts Addiction Treatment?

There are two reasons why someone would consider inpatient treatment necessary for bath salts abuse. They are the effects of bath salts and the withdrawal symptoms.

The effects of bath salts are varied but some are severe requiring medical attention. From the user’s first experience with bath salts, they can suffer from:

  • rapid heart rate,
  • high blood pressure,
  • dilated pupils,
  • sexual stimulation,
  • heart palpitations,
  • erratic behavior,
  • increased risk for heart attack, and
  • increased risk for stroke.

These short term effects vary in severity. Some of them can be fatal if left untreated once they reach a certain point. Many people wind up in treatment because they were admitted into a hospital for some of the more severe effects of taking bath salts.

Bath salts can also cause a variety of mental effects. These effects are generally more dangerous than the physical issues experienced. The psychological effects are:

  • hallucinations,
  • aggression,
  • violent behavior,
  • suicidal behavior,
  • confusion,
  • delusions,
  • psychosis,
  • paranoia, and
  • murderous intentions.

When you hear of people having issues with bath salts, most of the time it is these symptoms they are experiencing. Many of these symptoms cause severe after effects and permanent harm.

The long term effects of bath salts are disconcerting. Although many people do not experience these long term effects, they are still a major factor. A few of these effects are:

  • permanent delusions,
  • long term psychosis,
  • depression, and
  • generalized anxiety disorder.

These are conditions are only sometimes treatable. Doctors normally employ medication, therapy, and sometimes electroconvulsive therapy to alleviate these symptoms.

Will my Privacy be Respected?

Under the current laws addiction treatment falls into the same category as medical treatment. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services publication, The Confidentiality of Drug and Alcohol Patient Records Regulation and the HIPAA Privacy Rule, drug and alcohol treatment center attendance is completely confidential. The only people who information is released to are:

  • your doctors and counselors outside the program,
  • health insurance companies,
  • people you allow to receive information, and
  • certain entities such as drug companies and research facilities.

The HIPAA guidelines are very clear about what information a center can release to each of these entities.

Aside from the law, most treatment centers have very strict policies against divulging patient information. Their staff is trained to protect the privacy of their patients.

There are a number of issues that need to be addressed when it comes to privacy. A few of these issues are:

  • other patients – when you enter into treatment, there will be other patients around you. How much you tell others about yourself, is up to you. In an environment that encourages sharing, it is difficult to remember that there are others you are sharing with. One of the important things to think about is the fact that other patients are in the same situation as you are. If they mention you outside of the treatment center, they will also have to explain why they were there as well.
  • family members – family members will usually know when you go into inpatient treatment or any drug treatment, particularly if they are close. Although most family members will keep a secret, it is important to make sure that you tell only the ones that you trust.
  • friends – in this situation it is difficult to know who to trust. Some friends will not be able to keep your secret, while others might let something slip.

When you consider your privacy when going into treatment for bath salt addiction, most of the time you do not have to worry about the facility but you do have to worry about who you tell. A good rule is to only tell those people that you trust particularly if you have a sensitive job such as, teacher, law enforcement, or health care worker.

How Long will Bath Salts Addiction Treatment Take?

How long bath salts treatment takes depends on the level of addiction and the amount normally taken. Someone who takes a large amount and has been taking bath salts for a long period of time will need more treatment than someone who has only done it once. This is just a general rule, there are exceptions.

The symptoms of the bath salts high, if they require treatment last around 8 to 12 hours. After that, the treatment time really depends on the addiction. There are a few people who can stop without any complications while others, particularly those with a mental illness, need longer. The average length of treatment is between two and four weeks, although treatment of the illnesses and long term effects can take years.

When treatment is court ordered it normally takes either 28 or 90 days depending on the court’s decision. Courts often become involved when the mental side effects are present. Although people are not in control of their actions while on the drug, there are very serious legal consequences that can happen.

If there are legal consequences, it is not only treatment time that you have to worry about. Most prisons have in house treatment programs for this type of addiction. If someone is experiencing the violent psychosis that is sometimes associated with these drugs, they might be confined to a psychiatric facility rather than a prison. In a psychiatric facility, you will receive the same treatment as you would out of it.

What Happens During Treatment?

What happens during treatment depends on the severity of the addiction. Treatment usually starts with an assessment. This shows doctors what symptoms need the most attention. Then the detox starts.

Detox happens when the drug is leaving the body completely. When someone is severely addicted, this can take a few days to a week or more. During this portion of treatment, doctors use a variety of medications to keep you comfortable during the detox. The most common medications are:

  • anti-nausea medications,
  • anti-diarrheal medications,
  • anti-anxiety medications,
  • antidepressants,
  • anti-seizure medications, and
  • sometimes anti-psychotics.

The types of drugs used depends on the type of symptoms you are exhibiting.

After the detox phase of treatment, doctors might recommend counseling as the next course of action. There are a variety of types of counseling doctors use. A few of these types are:

  • cognitive behavioral therapy,
  • individual counseling,
  • group therapy,
  • peer supported therapy, and
  • a variety of other therapy techniques.

Most of these therapy techniques are conducted in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Although each person is different, the addiction usually can only be beaten when you start treating the root cause of it. Most of the counseling is to find this root cause and figure out how to deal with it.

How Much Does Cost?

The cost of treatment depends on the severity of the addiction, the length of treatment, and they type of treatment. There are three basic types of treatment for a bath salts addiction.

  • Inpatient treatment – inpatient treatment is treatment in a residential facility. Treatment takes place 24 hours a day 7 days a week. There is onsite staff and doctors. Like all treatments inpatient treatment comes in three different tiers. The tiers are luxury rehabs, moderate rehabs, and government funded rehabs.

o Luxury rehabs – luxury rehabs have all of the amenities. Many of them have services like onsite gyms, computer access, personal trainers, and massage therapists. These rehabs can cost thousands of dollars a day. A lower priced luxury rehab costs around 5,000 dollars a day.

o Moderate rehabs – these facilities are usually private and drastically range in cost. They offer some amenities but not as many as luxury rehabs do. The amenities range from simple exercise equipment to holistic medical practitioners and massage therapists. These rehabs cost between 1,000 and 5,000 per day.

o Government funded rehabs – these facilities are bare treatment facilities. They normally do not offer any amenities. Each of these treatment centers are just basic rehabs. They have doctors and staff but little else. They usuallThey offer some amenities but not as many as luxury rehabs do. The amenities range from simple exercise equipment to holistic medical practitioners and massage therapists. These rehabs cost between 1,000 and 5,000 per day.

o Government funded rehabs – these facilities are bare treatment facilities. They normally do not offer any amenities. Each of these treatment centers are just basic rehabs. They have doctors and staff but little else. They usually treat only the addiction and nothing else. Since they are government funded, their fees range. For extremely low income individuals operate on a sliding scale dependent on income.

  • Outpatient treatment – this treatment is usually conducted at a rehab or therapy center. A patient goes to treatment daily, weekly, or monthly. The cost of this therapy depends on which services you use. Most of these services are coordinated by a doctor that specializes in addiction.
  • Combination treatment – sometimes a combination of inpatient and outpatient treatment is what is required. This normally starts with an inpatient stay where you detox in an inpatient setting. Then when the symptoms are under control moves into an outpatient setting. This almost always costs more than inpatient or outpatient treatment alone.

When making a choice about a particular rehab cost is an important factor. The cost of rehab is sometimes a considerable issue. It is important to remember that some insurance companies cover the cost of rehab. Speak to a rehab counselor and your insurance company to find out all of your treatment payment options.

Finding Help

When you are struggling with addiction, it is crucial to find the help that you need when you make the choice to enter treatment. Professional help is always beneficial when seeking treatment for a bath salts addiction. To find out more information about professional bath salts treatment and treatment centers call 800-256-3490. Explore your options, the time to get help is now.

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